Information for Ukrainians

On the following websites you will find the frequently asked questions about entering Germany from Ukraine and residing in Germany. You can also find information about assistance, accommodation or medical care.

You will find the information in the following languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English and German

Auf den folgenden Webseiten finden Sie häufig gestellte Fragen zur Einreise aus der Ukraine nach Deutschland und zum Aufenthalt in Deutschland. Dort finden Sie auch Informationen zu Betreuung, Unterkunft oder medizinischer Versorgung.


Basic information / Frequently asked questions

Safety Information for Women and Children
Here you will find tips and information to help you and your family to stay safe in Germany.
Portal - germany4ukraine - Basic information
Do you need information and assistance, accommodation or medical care? Here you will find a first digital contact point for a good start in Germany. This website will be gradually expanded. Foreign language: Ukrainian, Russian, English
Displacement, entry and asylum
People being forced to flee from Ukraine have lots of questions and need support. Ukrainian nationals and third-country nationals who have been forced to leave Ukraine can find up-to-date answers here. This information will be continually updated. Foreign language: Ukrainian, Russian, English
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees / Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge
Frequently asked questions about assistance, accommodation or medical care / Häufige Fragen zu Hilfsangeboten, Unterkünften oder ärztliche Versorgung